Bradford Skin Clinic & Med Spa provides treatments for skin conditions including acne, rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis, as well as cosmetic skin treatments for healthier, more youthful looking skin.
Our aestheticians will determine the specific solution needed for your unique skin challenges and then deliver targeted care with the utmost expertise and professionalism.
Bradford Skin Clinic & Med Spa will create a customized skin care treatment plan to help you achieve the results you want. Our advanced skin care services include the following:
-Medical Grade Facial Peels for fine lines, melasma, sun damage, acne
-Photo Rejuvenation for fine lines, pigmentation, couperose veins, enlarged pores
-Cosmetic Injectables for wrinkles, deep lines, added volume in the face, especially cheeks and lip
-Professional skin care products that ensure long lasting results
-Laser Hair Removal for unwanted hair
-Body Contouring with T-Zone Vibration Therapy for cellulite elimination
-Acne Clearance for adult and teen acne
-Advanced Skin Care Products for eczema, psoriasis, and other skin conditions, as well as advanced, ongoing skin care
-Vasculyse Treatments for skin tags, blemishes, broken capillaries, blotches, milia, redness